Friday, October 31, 2008

It Was a Tight Race

Phewf....that was so close! 76 total votes....25 for Lily, 25 for Lillie, and 26 for Lilly. So LILLY it is! I must say that no matter how the poll went, I intended to go with Lilly anyway for a few reasons.

1) Steve says I always ask for opinions, then do it my way anyhow, (which is mostly true).
2) There are more letters from Luckyhill in the name Lilly ;)
3) And most importantly, I like how Lilly looks in cursive...lots of curly letters, kinda princess-like....very important! Go ahead try it out; it's a fun name to


FriĆ°rikssonS (and Parents) said...

I love it! Lilly is a beautiful name!!!

Nicole said...

That's the one I voted for!
I think it looks and sounds very feminine and beautiful!

I am very excited to meet Lilly!
Nicole Dickson

Unknown said...

Great choice! Lilly is a wonderful name. Your family is beautiful. I just love the photo at the top of your blog. Your daughters are gorgeous.

Heidi said...

I'm excited! I can't wait until you get to go see Lilly, and when I get to see her,too! P.S. I think that most women will get EVERYONE'S opinion, and then go do it their way, anyways! I love it. And it was also great seeing you this weekend, even though it was really brief!

Camey said...

That is what I voted for. I like it that way as well!